Friday, August 29, 2008


I would like to follow up a post my friend Jonathan once put regarding his choice of presidential candidates. His post said WWJBD? He was referring to none other than Jedediah Bartlett. I could not agree more. Especially now that it feels like I have to choose the lesser of two evils in November, I would like nothing more than to follow Martin Sheen, eeeer I mean, Jed Bartlett to the steps of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. 

I would like to share someone new with all of you. A new mentor. A new guide.  And well, let's be honest, just a downright great guy!!!!   His name..................... Jack McCoy. Some of you may recognize good ole Jack here and think he is from the show Law & Order, but he is no actor and his prosecutions are no joke.  Are you a baseball player who thinks you can get away with murdering your limo driver? An ex-husband who is going to steal his children from the mother and then brainwash them into giving you love and affection?  What about a religious extremist who murders for their cause?   It doesn't matter what the situation, the crime, the evidence available, the motive, the witnesses...... McCoy weilds out justice like it shoots from his fingertips.  So here's to you Jack!  So I think there is only one reasonable thing to do. Make Jack McCoy Vice President of these United States.  

So who is with me? Who will join the ranks to vote for Bartlett/McCoy 2008! 

1 comment:

JB said...

Never watched the show in my life but I'm all in for that ticket!!!